I have compiled a list of books that will meet you where you are in your journey of learning about race. Confused about what the term “white feminist” means? There’s a book for that! Want to learn more about the journey that it took for black people to get the right to vote? There’s a book for that! Want to learn how to bring up the topic of race to your friend Matt? Well, there’s even a book for that, too (oops, sorry Matt)! I personally think that the hardest thing about learning is figuring out where to start. It can seem so overwhelming, especially if you’re trying to understand the complex history of racism. I’ve been a black woman for 26 years, and I still don’t have all of the answers. That’s the fun part about learning, though: you’re never too old to crack open a book and pick up where you left off; or in some questions, start from the beginning. Pick up any one of these books with an open mind. You are here for a reason. Let’s do the work together. To buy: bookshop.org and amazon.com. To buy: bookshop.org and amazon.com. To buy: bookshop.org and amazon.com. To buy: amazon.com. To buy: betterworldbooks.com. To buy: betterworldbooks.com. To buy: betterworldbooks.com. To buy: betterworldbooks.com. To buy: bookshop.org and amazon.com. To buy: betterworldbooks.com. To buy: $10 on Kindle, amazon.com. To buy: bookshop.org and amazon.com. To buy: $15, amazon.com Cooper wants us to be angry because being angry is a superpower. The anger of the black woman inspires change: it makes Serena Williams a better tennis player. It makes Beyoncé a better performer. It fuels us in ways that other emotions don’t. With her signature wit and utter charm, Cooper argues that we need three things in this life to survive: eloquent rage, feminism, and friendship. With that simple list, we could take over the world. To buy: bookshop.org and amazon.com. To buy: bookshop.org and amazon.com.