The Health Benefits of Jumping Rope

For starters, jumping rope is an excellent cardiovascular activity that will get your blood pumping, body sweating, and muscles working in a short amount of time. For the average person, just 15 minutes of jumping rope can burn 200 to 300 calories, says AJ Perez, Sweat Factor trainer and founder of Rumble Los Angeles, which means whatever your personal fitness level you can always expect a seriously good workout. And because it’s a lower-impact workout, it’s less stress on your joints than activities like running. Plus, the simple movement of jump roping amazingly targets several body parts—calves, core, arms, shoulders, upper back, and more—so, kind of like planks, it’s a very multifunctional and efficient form of exercise. Jump roping is also an activity that anybody of any fitness level can do. The key is to start slow and build your way to a more intense routine. The only caution, of course, is if you’re dealing with an injury—like an ankle, foot, or knee issue—or health concern, in which case you’d want to check with your doctor, Perez says.

Jump Roping Basics

As you practice jumping, think about jumping as low to the ground as possible, so higher isn’t actually better. “Don’t focus on your vertical when jumping, but on the timing and rhythm,” Perez suggests, adding that you want to maintain a steady cadence. “You want the jump over the rope to be as smooth as possible.” Once you get used to the movement, you can start increasing the speed of the rope and how quickly you jump.